Structural Energetic Therapy® (SET) is the integration of Cranial/Structural techniques, kinesiology, and  specialized soft tissue protocols designed to work together to release the primary core (spiral) distortion, and the distortions of sub-patterns, with the ultimate goal of restoring balance in the body long term. 

SET Therapy balances the musculature system so the body can regain proper strength and to minimize pain, range of motion issues and future wear and tear.

Benefits of SET include:

  • reduced/eliminated pain relating to musculoskeletal system

  • increased range of motion of joints

  • regained strength and function of musculoskeletal system

  • reduced/eliminated improper postural imbalances

  • increased sense of well-being

  • unleashed stored emotions

Target audience:

  • Athletes who want to up their game, recover quickly, and prevent injury.

  • People with fibromyalgia

  • People with hip pain

  • People with shoulder pain

  • People with back pain

  • People with neck pain

  • People with TMJ

  • People with plantar fasciitis

  • People with carpal tunnel

  • People who have tight achy muscles

  • People who work in one position all the time

  • People going into surgery or post-surgery rehabilitation

  • People who want really good bodywork

  • People who want to be more aware of their musculoskeletal body