NIS is based on the neurophysiological premise that the brain, not the mind, governs all normal and optimum body functions.

NIS uses a system of protocols to evaluate and correct areas of dysfunction in the body’s systems.  The protocols evaluate integrated function and not isolated function, i.e., how the body’s systems work together in unison, taking into consideration physiological interrelationships. The body’s systems do not work in isolation, so they should never be assessed and treated that way. Integrated neurophysiological function must be addressed for the real causes of complaints in order to be fully resolved.

Complaints/ symptoms that can be addressed using NIS:

    anxiety, bi polar, PTSD

    spinal, muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints

    immune, digestive, respiratory, heart, chronic

    infections: viral, bacterial, fungal, protozoan

    trauma, ADD/ ADHD

    depression, fertility, female health